티스토리 뷰

Seoul Smart City Center/Support


알 수 없는 사용자 2017. 7. 30. 13:50

:: Service contents ::

Discovering and management of IoT services related to the Seoul IoT trial project

 - Discovering new IoT service for IoT trial project in 2017

 - Operation of IoT service pool for solving urban problems


Support IoT trial service and level evaluation

 - Support activities to activate IoT trial service such as beta-tester and investor tour


Operation of professional program to support IoT service and company

 - Promotion of foundation related with IoT, holding specialized seminars for expanding IoT

 - Enhance capacity of company which participate IoT test site project to solve the service problem

 - Operation of RP(Rapid Prototyping) Space for promotion of product commercialization


Market development, investment promotion and providing opportunities of IoT trial service in foreign countries through a global collaborative network

 - Discover global network for product production and marketing development

 - Supports participation of overseas exhibitions and crowd funding to excellence companies of IoT service

:: Operation guide ::


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